““A community without a grocery store is like a house without a kitchen,
it isn’t a home””
Our Mission
& Vision
& Vision
Food On The Move, Inc.'s mission is to transform food deserts and the legacy issues created by living food-insecure through creating access, education, and innovative solutions.
Mobile by design, Food on the Move partners with health experts, community leaders, government agencies, and local businesses to bring quality food and resources into areas without access to fresh produce known as food deserts. We intend to affect permanent change that attracts investment, partnerships, the return of community grocery stores, and sustainable local food systems. Food On The Move is focused on ending food insecurity one community at a time through food distribution, educational programs, workforce development, health assessments, and innovative solutions.
Food on the Move Founder, Taylor Hanson with U.N. Ambassador Edward J. Perkins, who inspired the launch of Food on the Move
Founded by local Tulsa artist Taylor Hanson of the band Hanson, Food On The Move is an innovative mobile food initiative that has been working to end food deserts since 2014 through mobile food events and a long-term strategy to foster the return of permanent grocery stores and healthy food systems. The monthly program events bring together a diverse group of mobile partners in non-profit, for-profit, and government to host ongoing pay-as-you-can events that offer fresh produce, prepared meals, and access to community and health resources.
Food On The Move, Inc. exists to strengthen and seed greater community partnership, civic engagement, and ambassadorship inspired by, founder Taylor Hanson’s mentor former US Ambassador Edward J. Perkins. Ambassador Perkins is among the most respected members of the US foreign service; among his many achievements, Ambassador Perkins oversaw the end of South Africa’s Apartheid government and the release of Nelson Mandela while serving as the US Ambassador to South Africa.
As Food On The Move, Inc. pursues its mission to transform food deserts and combat food insecurity, it stays true to its founding ideals and identity; To strengthen the community by combatting critical community challenges through ambassadorship, leadership, and partnership.